Duanwei    Interpretation of the name

"Duan" means "the four characters of a person, what is called "benevolence、righteousness、rites intelligence”.Proverbs:《Mengzi~the chapter of Gongsunchou》:"If a person has a sense of the compassion ,that is a character of the benevolence"、“If a person has a sense of the shame ,we can say this person has a character of the righteousness”、"If a person has a character of the modestly decline,that means rites”、"If a person can distinguish right from wrong,we can say this person has a character of the intelligence”.

"Wei" means "the four characters of a country",what is called "benevolence、righteousness、probity、humiliation”.Proverbs 《Guanzi~herdsmen》:If a country lose one  character,it will tilt;lose two characters,it will be in danger;lose three  characters,it will fall;lose four  characters,it will be destroyed.If a country  tilted, it could be straightened;If it would be in danger,which  could become safe;If it fell,which  could be upreared;but if it was destroyed,the country was dying out.What the four characters of a country are,the first one is benevolence,the second one is righteousness,the third one is probity,the last one is humiliation..

The logo of Duan Wei

The main logo:

1,Round sky and square earth,the distinction between black and white ,it is from theory of yin and Yang and has the strong  dialectical  unique  feature.

2,No rules, no sky and earth.Proverbs:《Mengzi-Liloushang》.

The vice logo:

1,Moral means  principle,the incarnation of Guanyu,the symbol of Guanyu is the red face and the red hare.

Rule means Rule means law and principle,the incarnation of Baozhen,the symbol of Baozhen is the black face.

2,The handwriting of "Duan wei" is calligraphy, it is a round,vigorous hand.Combine with the Square frame of the font,express the meaning of the sky and earth.

The culture of Duan wei

1,Endeavor tobe a "three characters lawyer:behaviour、quality、taste

2,Make the "four characters law firm": high ideals、 profession、brand、team

"End" refers to the four end of the person". The so-called: "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom". A "Mencius ~ LLA chapters": "sympathy, end of benevolence; a sense of shame, meaning the end; delay of the heart, the ceremony of the end: the end of wisdom or sense of right and wrong". "Dimension" refers to the "four dimensions of the country", the so-called "courtesy, justice, honesty, shame". Language out of the "tube to the herdsmen": "the state of the four dimensional, one dimensional absolute, the two dimensional is dangerous, three-dimensional coverage, the four dimensional absolute. Dumping can be also, the risk can be an also, can also play, destroy not to be wrong also. What is four-dimensional, one day ceremony, two Yue Yi, three Yue Lian, four Yue shame".


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