The success of the first“Duan wei Forum”

April 20, 2016 afternoon,the first “Duanwei Forum”was held  successfully in Duan wei.

This forum was held by Duan wei,According to the hot spots and problems of Civil and Commercial Execution in current judicial practice,we invited Director Li dong mei ,executive board in Lu yang People's Court and other senior executive judges, Manager Wang xian jun ,Asset custody department in Hui shang Bangk Corporation Limited and other leaders and guests to attend this forum.

The theme of this forum was “The research of Civil and commercial affairs” .we offered advice and suggestions  embroidered on the hot spots and problems of Civil and Commercial Execution in current judicial practice.The atmosphere of this forum was lively and warmly.

"End" refers to the four end of the person". The so-called: "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom". A "Mencius ~ LLA chapters": "sympathy, end of benevolence; a sense of shame, meaning the end; delay of the heart, the ceremony of the end: the end of wisdom or sense of right and wrong". "Dimension" refers to the "four dimensions of the country", the so-called "courtesy, justice, honesty, shame". Language out of the "tube to the herdsmen": "the state of the four dimensional, one dimensional absolute, the two dimensional is dangerous, three-dimensional coverage, the four dimensional absolute. Dumping can be also, the risk can be an also, can also play, destroy not to be wrong also. What is four-dimensional, one day ceremony, two Yue Yi, three Yue Lian, four Yue shame".


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