Brief introduction


Duan Wei Law Form is a partnership one approved by the Anhui Justical Departments on April 8, 2016 .

Duanwei Law Form is located on the 22nd floor of Huabang Building in zhengwu district of Hefei,it closes to the Hefei Government Building ,an excellent panorama of Swan Lake view.

Duanwei Law Form has five hundred and ten square meters of the modern office space,the office equipments are complete.

There are 4 committees ,Business management committee、Business innovation committee、the management committee. Based on the business direction of "mostly in non-litigation,litigation as a supplement."Business management committee has set up “Financial Securities Legal Business Department”,“Company  Legal Business Department”,“ environmental and resource Legal Business Department”“Litigation Business Department”, etc.Duanwei is committed to the development and innovation of new business varieties,and which has set up the Business innovation  committee specially . Business innovation  committee has set up "Duanwei Forum" and "Investment Club", etc,which is as the loose business innovation and information exchange platform.The emphasis of  the Business innovation committee is these industry area: Biological medicine 、environmental protection and energy conservation、Robot、new material and so on.Duanwei take advantage of the lawyer and the law firm, link technology, capital, talent and other elements fully,promote the new project ,develop with the enterprise. The law firm creates spaces for the developing of the enterprise  and innovates the model of the lawyers' services.

 All lawyers of Duanwei have the passionate beliefves,promote the pattern,work with the passion, keep on studying  and press forward for the lawyer' Legal ideal.

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"End" refers to the four end of the person". The so-called: "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom". A "Mencius ~ LLA chapters": "sympathy, end of benevolence; a sense of shame, meaning the end; delay of the heart, the ceremony of the end: the end of wisdom or sense of right and wrong". "Dimension" refers to the "four dimensions of the country", the so-called "courtesy, justice, honesty, shame". Language out of the "tube to the herdsmen": "the state of the four dimensional, one dimensional absolute, the two dimensional is dangerous, three-dimensional coverage, the four dimensional absolute. Dumping can be also, the risk can be an also, can also play, destroy not to be wrong also. What is four-dimensional, one day ceremony, two Yue Yi, three Yue Lian, four Yue shame".


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